Saturday, 7 May 2011

Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (17 - 20 April 2011) ~ PART 3

Day 3 @ 19 April 2010

Fuh3..dah sampai hari, plan hari ni ialah untuk ke pulaaaauuuu!!!! Wahhh..ini yang sangat I nanti2 kan..becoz I love snorkeling so much since my experience di perhentian (sila cekidaut blog kakyus or edan)..for fae, this is her 1st time..for liza n yan..they did snorkel in pangkor last time..but of course laut cina selatan x same dengan laut selat Melaka kan? Jadi saye sangat excited dan bangun adelah extra pagi…ni pemandangan pagi dari bilik hotel kami….

 pemandangan pagi dari bilik hotel

So, after taking our breakfast, we drove to Jesselton Point..not far from our hotel which only took about 10 mins…we meet up the car owner at jesselton point untuk pulang balik kereta considering that we’re going to be at the island for the whole day which membazir kalau sewa kereta dan hanye terparking je kat KK kan…so, Jesselton Point ni actually a port yang mane byk speedboat berlabuh..port nie basically untuk tourist yang kepingin untuk melawat pulau2 di sekitar kota kinabalu macam kami..Pulau2 atau taman2 air ni dipanggil Taman Tunku Abdul Rahman..kat sini dah macam stesen bas..ade kaunter2 dari pelbagai tour agency berebut panggil kite untuk join their, basically ade byk choice untuk dibuat..various range of activity u can do and everything can be pre-booked here.

 jesselton point (interior view)

 Jesselton Point (exterior view)

OK, cerita sket..Taman Air Tunku Abdul Rahman nie terdiri daripada 5 buah pulau iaitu yang paling besau adalah Pulau Gaya~pulau ni sesuai for divers sbb kate org kat sini lautnye dalam..base camp atau HQ untuk taman laut ni juge terletak kat Pulau Gaya..2nd is pulau Sapi~sangat hampir ngan Pulau Gaya..laut adelah lebih cetek dan sgt sesuai untuk snorkeling..jadi kami pilih pulau ni..dan sangat tidak menyesalkan…sbb ape??? Tunggu gamba2 yang dipost di bawah..3rd is pulau manukan~suitable for both divers and snorkeling…4th and 5th is pulau Mamutik and Pulau Sulug~pun boleh dive and snorkel..but since based on the research and our purpose is just to snorkel, we decide to go to one and only…PULAU SAPI..yeay!

Since we decide to go to only 1 pulau..the boat transfer cost us only RM15 per person..then plus with snorkeling equipment rental, RM10..and for me I plus another RM10 for fin or ‘kaki itik’ (whatever u call it), basically, if u want to snorkel kat taman2 air ni it will definitely cost u lower than RM50 depending how many island u want to stop..but then we decide to to at least 1 water activity and we chose to do we have to pay another extra RM75 per person untuk that activity..mahal..tapi ok la for the 1st timer…oh yea, lupe we need to pay another extra RM10 for tax duty ape tah…tapi bayor je le kan..

getting all the equipment ready

we hop on to this boat for Pulau Sapi
 wajah-wajah excited nek speedboat

After we get all the rented equipment, we hop on in the speedboat..boat kecik jer..but nampak baru..x ramai pon dalam stu bot tu..cume  org jer..we enjoy the ride..perjalanan amek mase lebih kurang 15 min jer…sgt dekat ok..jauh lagi dari kuala besut ke pulau perhentian! So, the boat stopped us kat pulau sapi..Pulau nie kecik jer..ade 2 main beach, which mean 2 main snorkeling spot. Kalau snorkeling kat pulau sapi nie x yah nek boat/turun snorkel dari dalam boat because we can actually snorkel around the beach area jer..
Ape yang ade kat pulau? Ok, the basic thing sume ade..actually, dekat pulau itself ade snorkeling equipment rental and beach activity..which mean, if we are indecisive on what activity we wanted to do mase kat jesselto n point, we can always just use their service kat pulau nie and pay directly to them..perbezaan harga, not sure..coz we didn’t check wats the price on the island..tapi for snorkeling equipment, charge die same…kawasan beach, ok, ade tempat rehat dan pantai nyer pon bersih. Ade small building sebagai tempat pameran dan HQ for divers.
on the way to Pulau Sapi

reaching jetty of Pulau Sapi
Sapi Island..note the crystal clear sea water

About food, u dun haf to need to bring anything from KK but of course jajan2 boleh le layan. Actually, kite boleh bayar food siap2 kat agent di jesselton point. The serve buffet lunch at RM35/person. Tapi, we just dun haf the mood for buffet, so we didn’t opt for this buffet. Plus, we tought we might get off early from the island. There were several stall yang buat buffet lunch nie (maybe because they are not under the same company). So jam 10pg cam tu kitorg da start nampak stall nie berasap2 membako seafood. Nampak menarik, but we plan for another seafood meal that night, so, better not. Somehow, it turned up that there are stall that sell ala carte. So, hantam la nasi goring sorg sepinggan. Cukup la nak sambung activity snorkeling.

About snorkeling, all I can say is that it was satisfying...Best sbb masih banyak coral yang hidup dan warna-warni. And there are many kind of fish of many colour can be found here..i found ‘nemo’ or clown fish of course..and there were several rare type of fish that can be seen..tatau dah jenis ikan ape..korang layan gambo je le senang since one picture says thousand words.  Cume, since it snorkeling kat tepi2 pantai, makanya airnya cetek. Jadi xder la kite jumpe binatang lain selain ikan yang pelbagai warna. Kali ni x Nampak turtle, ikan yu or stringray…tapi okla..hati terubat dengan kecantikan coral kat pulau sapi nie..

di entrance Pulau Sapi

We had our morning snorkeling which we start as early as 9.30 am. Mase sebelum terjun tu x ramai org lagi kat, kitorg smpat la chop spot besh bawah pokok dan ade meja kerusi dan dekat ngan lifeguard post…so senang tinggal barang..ade org tgk2 kan..pas bergambar2 di pantai..kitorg pun ape lagi, berendam lee..excited I jumpe laut..It was high tide at that time. Jadi coral Nampak jauh sket dari pandangan dan x berape jelas. Tapi I manage to take several photos…(ah ah ah ahh..sookkkaa karena camera saya bisa masuk air..hehe)…lame juge snorkel..lam 2 jam gitu..tempat x besau pon..tapi bes juge snorkel rilex2 n explore2 sekitar beach tuh..despite of liza yang ade masalah ngn life jacket n snorkel equipment nye, we still manage to haf fun and capture some photos while doing the activity…

bergambo sblm aktiviti snorkel dimulakan
percubaan melakukan lompatan kijang oleh liza dan yan
ye itu diaa...lompatan kijang yang dinanti-nantikan..

hasil tangkapan menggunakan lensa ketiga saye..note the water is not as clear as my 2nd snorkeling (refer gamba bawah2)...see..the coral masih hidup dan warne-warni..lets hope sabahan berjaye mengekalkan ini..

 aktiviti pemer-dugong-an di dalam laut sabah

Dalam kol 11.30 camtu..naik ke darat…catch our breath n rilex kejap..then one guy from the agent yg dari jesselton tadi datang and told us to get ready for our parasailing activity..tetibe excited campor debor..x pernah kannn..hohohooh..kitorg di pick up oleh 1 speedboat…rupenye buat kat tgh laut dan bukannye tepi pantai..huhu..menarik! but ade 1 family matsalleh from Australia tumpang the boat untuk ke Sutera Harbour di KK. Btw, activity parasailing t upon dibuat sekitar tu jugak. Sutera harbour sangat mewah ok..telan air liur saje yg mampu. Hehe!
 muke masih excited dan confident sblm wat parasailing

So, lepas hantar family mat salleh tu, kitorg di bawe ke tgh laut..mulenye nak naik couple2 but since memasing mempunyai keberatan maksima,jadi kene naik sorg2…fae n yan je bleh nek couple (sbb derang penakot pon…kan liza kan?? Hehe..) so, I started first..die pakaikan kite ngan safe harness which mende tu akan digantung pade belom merah yg tersenyum itu (sile refer gambo)….then ade tali yg sambung ke mesin dalam boat tu..mesin tu functionnye untuk tarik dan tolak tali tu so kite boleh naik dan landing atas boat ngn selamatnye…

We had a lot of fun ok naik tu..rase x puas 15 minit…klu x, nak soh diorg tarik lame sket…stengah jam pon xpe…hilang debor bile da terbang kat atas, layan gambo kami beraktiviti parasailing ok..

adegan2 ketika ber-parasailing

 pandangan dari atas time ber-parasaling

 Lepas tu, bot tu hantar kami balik ke Pulau Sapi..oleh kerane lapo yang amat, kitorg lunch dulu makan nasik goring kat cafĂ© pulau sapi tu..mase tengah makan, ade  segerombolan biawak datang menyerang org2 pulau..hehehe..xdelahhh…ade la sekumpulan biawak berkeliaran terlepas dari kandang mane tah..datang nak cari sisa makanan kot…ngeri gak le tgk biawak tu..besau amat…tgk gambo nie…

After makan tu, kitorg sambung blk snorkeling kat 2nd spot..but however, 2nd spot tu x secantik the 1st, da byk landak laut and sea cucumber (landak laut is not good for coral u noe, because they eat them)…so, we decide to go back to the 1st spot…since it low tide, coral tu Nampak sgt dekat ngn fact we can even touch the coral without need to dive in…but of course not advisable..cos that wat makes the coral die..kite mesti jage hidupan laut ok…its important so that the future will still have the chance to appreciate them.
Landak laut..not good for hidupan coral..
So, here’s some picture taken during low tide snorkeling. Lagi clear kan?? Oh, I jumpe red nemo and ikan buntal as well..
nemo! nemo! nemo!

rare fish yang i jumpe..note gamba atas kanan tu adelah ikan buntal..hehehhe...

Lepas puas snorkel, we all lepak jap tepi pantai (sunbathing..ngeh3..) then at 4pm camtu da siap2 mandi dan tuka baju and get ready for boat to transfer back to jesselton point. Boat last adelah jam 4.30pm..we had a lot of fun kat pulau tuh…

Smpai jesselton point, kami naik teksi untuk blk ke hotel. Kos adelah dalam rm10..then sampi bilik terus membongkang kepenatan..

Malam, since yan x larat nak kuar dan liza pon xnak kuar, then I n fae continue hunting for seafood. So, malam nie our destination is Asia City foodcourt located not far from our hotel. From warisan square, kitorg redah City Point Centre dan lintas jalan untuk ke Kg Air..dalam 10 min je jalan kaki…actually town KK pon not dat big..if u menginap tgh Bandar, u can walk around only, xyah nek2 teksi bagai…Asia City Food court, dah name pon foodcourt, so byk la kedai2 yang ade kan..kat sini kite boleh dapat live seafood from the tank. So kite boleh pilih live fish or prawn dan suruh die masak masakan idaman. Since I berdua je ngn fae, kali nie kiotg amek prawn n squid saje..squid goring tepung dan prawn masak buttermilk. And of course, sayur midin, my fav, yang mane sayur ni terdapat di sabah n Sarawak je…sbb I jarang/tak pernah jumpe sayur ni kat semenanjung..klu ade sape2 yg jumpe, bgtau I ok, nak try semenanjung punye version..hehe.. then I amek additional ½ kg of fresh clamp, suruh die bakar dan cecah ngn sos die..pergh sgt besh rase clamp segar….licin kat I sorg je (fae x mkn pun kerang)…kos nye, boleh la tahan…mkn berdua lebih kurang RM50-60 per person..seafood mahal skarang katenye…

 live fish tank..fresh from the tank!

the food : tiger prawn buttermilk..sotong goreng tepung...kerang bakar dan sayur midin..
Lepas makan, kitorg jejalan ke pasar malam (actually the night before tu dah jalan da…tapi igt time tu nak bli pearl product tapi xjadi sbb we decide to buy dkt Filipino Market)…then since malam masih awal, kitorg ke spa Hakod Oasis dan gune complimentary from the hotel untuk buat fish spa di sini..(besh kan hotel kasi complimentary?!)..ingatkan complimentary tu dalam 5 minit je, tapi rupenye 20 mins fish spa which is equal to rm25 per session…ok gak tu..dapat free treatment 20mins kan….but still we upgrade and add foot scrub and shoulder massage..nak juge memanjekan kaki setelah ia gigih bekerja membawe badan berjalan sekitar KK..

 So itu saje ape yang berlaku pade hari ketiga nie. After memanjakan kaki..kitorg blk bilik hotel dan tido. Oh, sampai hotel tgk yan dan liza ngah dinner di bilik..diorg tapau mee goreng yang maha banyak dan sedap (actually its more to yee mee and it is KK’s signature dish)..sgt sedap ok..

-          End of Day Three-

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