Fuh...fuh...gigih menyiapkan entri trip ni so that boleh move on to next event...so much happening in my life lately...and i am grateful..
OK, skarang sudah kat Part 4, but we still in Paris on Day 3
11th May 2011...Pagi2 sudah bangun dengan semangatnye especially my 2 dearest nieces because today is their day...we're going to DISNEYLAND....
Pagi, lepas heavy breakfast (heavy lagi...cemane la berat aku x nek mendadak2 waktu dok sane..) dan masak-masak untuk bekal, kitorg pun start bergerak keluar dari bandar Maisons Laffitte menuju ke destinasi idaman. Kali ni mama n makcik x nak follow..diorg just nak stay kat eurocamp dan jalan2 di bandar Maison Laffitte nie. So, its just along & family and me. Bagus jugak mama n makcik x follow, sbb sepanjang hari nie, kitorg berjalaaann smpi sakit kaki...moral of the story, u shud have some stamina to walk around this gigantic park.
getting ready to go!! |
Ok, cerita sket, Disneyland Paris ni terletak die satu kawasan called Chessy, di bahagian east paris. So, we are actually need to cross Paris City since Maisons Laffitte terletak di barat Paris City. But of course we are not literally crossing the city, there is by-pass highway to this place.
The Parc Disney ni is a duplication to Disneyland kat USA nu..for European, Disneyland Paris nie la jadi tumpuan. Dah name pon tumpuan, mesti la org x henti2 datang regardless season. Time x cuti skolah puuunn ramai yang pegi..bagi korang2 yang nak berhajat menuju ke sini..boleh cekidaut
web nie...may help u a lot.
Disneyland is a big development dan kawasannye sangatlah luasnyeee....Disneyland terbahagi pade 3; Disney Park, Disney Hotel, Disney Village. Disney Park tu ade 2, Disneyland Park dan satu lagi Walt Disney Studio Park. So, uols bayangkan laa betape besau nyer tempat tu.
Main Entrance to Disneyland Paris |
Kitorg pegi sehari je, tapi berhajat nak cover 2 park. So, we've got to pay EUR69 for both Disneyland Park and Walt Studio Park.Kanak2 patutnye kene bayar dalam EUR 32 kot..tapi yang besnye, waktu tgk syok2 beratur, tetibe ade 1 group of teenager datang kat kitorg, hulur tiket free untuk budak2. Maybe they purchased family package or something untuk lebih jimat. Dan yg untung pon, kitorg jugak...save another EUR32 x 2. Byk gak tuhhh....hehe..consider ourselves lucky that day.
"Bienvenue"...welcome..... |
Main Entrance to Disney Park..note the amazing landscape |
The park itself dah sangat besar. Thruthfully, berjalan 1 hari je mmg x cukup. Sbb dalam park nie, nak kene beratur mintak signature character2 disney lagi, nak main game2 yang ade kat situ lagi, nak bergambo2 lagi...mmg x sempat...so, it is advisable uols pegi dalam 2-3 hari..klu ade duit lebih bleh tido kat disney hotel. There are several packages offers for more than 1 day visit. korg leh tgk dari web tuh. Package various tgk type of hotel, if tido di 4-star hotel like disneyland hotel, then may want to spare EUR 1.5k..
We arrives at Parc Disney around 11am. Just sharp before the park open. Tapi jalan jauh gile nak ke parking...tu pun dah parking paaalingg dekat sebab datang awal kan..klu datang lewat sket mesti lagi jauh. tapi there shud be a shuttle yg pick up ppl from the parking to the park. tapi maybe sbb kitorg awal sgt kan, jadi shuttle tu xder le...
As i said, park tu mmg besau..sebesau ini:-
Ni dalam peta nampak la kecik..yg real, mmg besau yang amat...we bought tix to enter 2 park; disneyland park and walt disney studo park.
Disneyland park sendiri ade beberape "land", kite ade adventure land, fantasy land, Frontier Land, Discovery Land dan Main Street, USA. Nak berjalan dalam land2 ni saje dah lenguh kaki. Dalam setiap land ni sume kemudahan ade...ade restaurant, gift shops, kiosk and etc. Antara yang menarik adelah kedai2 kat Main Steet, USA tu mmg sebijik dalam kartun Mickey Mouse yang kite tgk mase kecik2 dulu. Plus, the buildings are function as shops or restaurant. So, it was like we become one of the character from the cartoon.
Land-land di Disney Park |
@ Main Street, USA |
Interior at Main Street, USA building |
Dan die pon ade shows ikut time....tgk la pukul berape show akan start dan kite boleh menonton for free. Waktu show nie sume character disney kuar; mickey mouse, minnie mouse, goofy, donal duck and etc. Diorang akan menari2 ikut lagu. Satu park boleh dengar lagu tuh..Kemain lagi aisya menari2 tgk lagu tuh..Main show slalunya akan diadakan jam 5.30 ptg. Tapi malangnye i x dapat tgk..tu nnti i cite kenape ye, We'll get there.
The welcome show by Disney Cartoon Characters at Main Street, USA |
Masuk2 kitorg jalan2 kat main street then join the line untuk bergambar dengan mickey mouse dan mtk autograph..aneesa n aisya la punye hal. tapi mak2 nye nie yang beria.. yela, character cartoon yang kite adore depan mate kan..So, agak lame gak wait in line, baru dpt bergambar.
berjaya amek gambo dengan Mickey Mouse |
Disney Castle - the legend |
Then kitorg jalan2 di Discovery Land where aneesa, aisya n abg long play some rides. i n along dok sibuk2 amek gamba. Kat sini jugak kitorg beratur untuk amek signature dengan princess..haaaa...time nie la aneesa sgt sukee..die sempat bergossip dulu ngn princess tu.."are u the real princess?" hah..lenguh ketiak gak princess tu nak menjawab soklan tuh..
@ Discovery Land |
Aneesa and Aisya enjoy the rides |
My lil nieces with Princess Ariel (Little Mermaid) |
"are u the real princess?"- aneesa; "yes, i am" - Princess Ariel.....Ceh! |
Then, after we had lunch with bekal yang kitorg bawak, kitorg jalan2 di fantasy land. tapi x sume..then, i n aneesa men another ride and we realize that we still have another park to cover; the walt disney studio park. Oleh kerana x nak merugikan duit yg dah bayar dan nak tgk gak cemane tempatnye, kitorg pun bergerak ke sane..
in and around the Fantasy Land |
@ Fantasy Land |
around the Disney Park |
@ Adventure Land |
Haunted Mansion at Adventureland |
in and around Adventure Land |
Cruising around adventure land |
Tapi time nak masuk tu, rupenye ticket kanak2 yang free yg kitorg dapat tadi hanye cover 1 park saje..so, along n aisya terpaske berkorban xleh masuk studio park. so yg masuk, i, aneesa and abg long sajerk..pastu camera sume kat kitorg plak tuh..huh...along n aisya masuk balik disney park tadi..
Kat Walt Disney Studio Park ni lain sket...there are more to characters in their movies, not cartoon. Contohnya macam Monster Inc, Cars, Buzzlightyear, Woody the Toy Story, Nemo dan mcm2 lagi la..ade banyak lagi sebenarnye..tapi park ni kecik je..x sebesar disney park la. besar die macam 1 land dekat disney park. Tapi interesting la sbb dpt interact dengan character.
@ Walt Disney Studio |
Yg x besnye adelah masa menceburui kitorg..kejap je rase mase berlalu. Bile kitorg jalan2 disitu x sedar dah pukul 5.30 lebih. Hajat di hati nak tgk main show kat disney park. tapi x dapat la sbb show pukul 5.30 petang dah start. Along n aisya je dpt tgk..sayangnye, camera xder ngn diorg. Along cite, aisya siap dapat menari2 lagi dengan Woody kesanyangan die (fyi, aisya sukeeeeee sangat Woody dalam Toy Story tuh..beratus kali tgk cite tu pun x kesah. Dia siap da hafal cite nye..naakk tgk jugak lagi). Syg, x dpt rakam aisya menari.
So, the park close at 6pm. When we come back to disney park, its time to buy some gifts. beria gak aku membeli kat sini. I bli t-shirt, beg, keychain, fridge magnet dll..huhuhu..pueh hati..bukan slalu dapat g disneyland kan...?
@ Disney Village |
By the time we reach our car, its already late evening. tapi kat sane x la gelap lagi. kan diorg malam sekejap jer. Before we headed home, kitorg singgah di Paris City. Sume pasal i nak pegi Hard Rock Cafe. Nak bli t-shirt. Uhuhuhuh..sgt puas hati dapat t-shirt Hard Rock. I beli untuk Kak yus satu (pasal Kak yus dah beli kat aku satu), then kat I satu, n i amek another jumper yng diorg tgh wat sale. OK la, i bought that jumper around EUR25 saje.
Then, we straight away headed home. Smpi our mobile home, dinner dah ready. Mama n makcik dah masakkan untuk kitorg. That night we have to pack up. Sbb esoknye nak bergerak ke Holland melalui Belgium.
So, berjumpe di next entri..