9th May...sambung dari entri lepas...lepas siap2 sume tuka duit dalam ferry (from GBP to EURO)..ok, tips : sile tuka siap2 duit GBP ke EURO dalam kapal or even mase di UK sbb u'll get more value.. Sampai di Calais, kami meneruskan perjalanan naik kete ke Paris. It was minimum 3 hour journey. but sumhoe since kitorg traveled with small kids, so kene la brenti2...plus, xleh nak laju2 pon bawak kete kat europe ni...nnti kene saman, merit kene potong, lesen plak kene tarik dahhh payah...
view along the way to paris |
Abg long adelah driver yg tegar...all the way tour europe die le yg drive. Plus europe kan left hand driver x macam UK yg right hand driver.Along the way tu we stopped at several place like R&R. Along the way, pemandangan sgt cantek..we pass by several village, hills, meadows...ade satu pekan tu, near calais, mase tu kitorg dah uphill, nampak keseluruhan pekan dari atas...sangat cantik coz it is located kat tepi laut...cant forget the view, it is in my head but x smpat nak capture ngn camera.
Paris is located kire middle of France la...xde laut keliling..dats y kat paris byk sungai and canal saje...we'll get to the City of Paris nnti....
Tempat yg kitorg duduk nie name die Eurocamp - International Paris. Located near a place called Maison Laffatte (tatau la betul ke x aku eja). Pekan Maison Lafatte nie x besar mane la...cam ala2 Shah Alam je..banyak rumah2 kat citu..its outskirt of Paris City. Cant afford to live in the city. Plus, x sesuai la plak kan sbb ade budak2 kecik. Lagipun, sambil2 tu we can go back to nature..u can view from
Kawasan Eurocamp - International Paris |
Kawasan camp tu ade river, full of pine tree with basic facalities like ade bathroom, market, restaurant, laundry and etc. Cantik la kawasan die. Kat camp nie disediakan beberape jenis penginapan. U can choose to have either their mobile home (which got various type) or just sewa tapak untuk tent or caravan/RV kite sndiri..tapi kat sini tent die bukan kecik2..tent beso gabak dah macam umah dah...huhu.
Ours is a mobile home. Very suitable for family vacay..got 2 bedrooms. Boleh la muat untuk 8pax sbb boleh tido kat common area die pasal ade sofa bed. its quite amazing how they transfer this small kontena into a home. lengkap dgn bilik air, dapur bagai. Sile refer gamba2 dibawah..
this is our little mobile home |
interior of the mobile home..the transformation from kontena to a living space |
the first day we were there nothing much to do. Just drive around the suburb and do some food supply shopping kat carefour. The price here is a lil bit expensive compared to UK. Eventho exchange rate duit die lagi rendah dari UK, tapi barang die lagi mahal dari UK. ie, if we spend about GBP50 of food supply di UK, we need to pay about EUR100 for the same. lgpun skarang EUR kan da naik..da dekat same mcm GBP dah.
Oleh kerana kelaparan, kitorg hit to McD, pakat2 makan Fillet o Fish..huhuhu...ha lagi 1, wats tricky to be in France is of course bahasenyee...susah nye nak communicate kat sini...time tu adik aku le jadi mangse (fyi, my lil bro is studying in France, Tolouse in exact, so, die berabuk cakap french..tapi die x dpt join trip kitorg pasal die exam..)..kejap2 tepon die...huhuh...ade 1 time tu, call die soh die cakap ngn org french tu..wahahaha...mmg susah...coz they dun talk in english...plus, klu kite beli barang kat sini of course kite berhati2 kan..xnak ade pig extract ke or watever..so, setiap kali beli barang, mesti tgk ingredient. prob is, kat france ingredient die sume tulis in french, mane ade translation english kot...lagi la pening kitorg nak bli barang..tips: dun take anything yg bertulis 'de porc' or 'jambon'..
note barang2 raw die...salmon EUR2 je byk tuh...huhuhuh..murah2..tapi ce tgk harge McD die..mahal kan? |
so, mlm tu just free and easy and rilex, masak2 sket untuk bekal esok then tido awal, sbb masing2 penat...
10th May 2011...today is city tour day..pagi2 lagi dah sarapan dan masak2 ape yang patut untuk bekalan kitorg 1 hari..jimat banyak ooo klu masak sndiri..especially klu kite g dlm grup yg lebih 4 org...
So, we started to hit the city around 10am. 1st destination is of course the Famous Eiffel Tower. Memusing juge cari Eiffel Tower nie..mujo ade garmin..tapi at last sampai jugak di Eiffel Tour ni..abg long drop us off dan die g cari parking. jauh juge memusing cari parking..xbese ngn jalan sane kan..the Eiffel Tower is located at Jardin du champ de Mars..
The Eiffel Tower |
Well..some ppl say Eiffel Tower is just a big giant besi buruk...yeah it is but its amazing and gigantic. standing beneath the tower excites me...well, i'm at eiffel tower..THE Eiffel Tower..huhuhu..besh2..Tower ni located besides a river called Quay Branly, yg mane kitorg x smpat nak buat river cruise..sbb spent time lame kat tower tu..lame juge nak beratur, beli tiket dan masuk ke dlm tower to..Tower ni ade brape tingkat aku tatau la...tapi, u can choose same ade nak naik smpai atas or just halfway..tapi halfway tu dah cukup tinggi dahhhh...plus, u also can choose whether nak naik tangga halfway and lift the other half..we all chose lif of course..x kose nak berpeluh nek tangga..hoho..so, we chose the west pier dan naik dari situ..lif die menyenget..of cos la kan eiffel tu kaki die senget..dah smpi tengah tu baru straight...
View from the 1st pit-stop |
View from the peak of the tower...the urban planning is amazing, aite? |
Cube carik...kat mana m'sia? heheh..tapi arah nie la from the tower |
Dari atas ni boleh tgk overall city of paris..ape yg menariknye..paris city ni sgt cantik susunannye..development die sgt terancang dan die ade allow untuk 100years of development. Kat sini, bangunan x tinggi..cume barisan2 kedai dan rumah kedai yang just 4-5 storey height. tapi the got a place, satu kawasan yg mmg khas untuk skycrapper. so, klu kite tgk skyline paris city nie mmg sgt cantekk...korang layan gambar2 nie ye..oh yea, bayaran masuk ke Eiffel Tower ni adelah EUR12 for adult.
@park in front of the tower |
kanak-kanak yang membuat persembahan dgn riangnya di hadapan Eiffel Tower |
Eiffel..i'm in love... |
2nd destination is just everywhere...we just gazing around the city. but did stop at few places sambil2 stop beli2 gift. Paris city mmg cantik...bagunan die, facade die sgt amazing. they will have the same facade for a block. Paris city pon sgt congested with ppl. ape yg menarik, sgt byk coffee house kat sini dan kedai 'Tabac' (kedai rokok le tu). Org byk lepak2 di coffee2 house nie..cam ala2 kedai mamak la kat sini..kan ramai org dok lepak2 tgk org lalu lalang..Owh, we had our prayer at Mosquee de Paris juge..masjid nie pun cantekk..
Mosquee de Paris |
City of Paris |
We stopped at a place called Notre-Damme Cathedral...the architecture of this building is amazing. sgt..dan saye adelah speechless..tatau la org zaman bile yg bina such building..penuh seni...kitorg tgk dari luar je...x masuk ponn..tapi kat luar ni ade park, kitorg just lepak2 dan aisya n aneesa main kat park die..ade baaaaannyyaakk spot menarik untuk ambik gamba..then we just walk around and stop at several gift shop.
@ Notre-Damme Cathedral |
amazing architecture |
Gift shop hunting |
Kat paris nie ramai je muslims, they are from middle east. so, actually u can get muslims food everywhere.
Our next stop is the Louvre Museum...tapi kitorg x masuk la museum die...ni la museum yg org kate terletaknye original copy of Mona Lisa Potrait and tomb Mona Lisa...betul ke x tu tatau la..sile tgk cite Da Vince Code yer..huhuh...pengambaran die buat kat sini..Louvre Museum ni terletak die Palace de Caroussel. Korang boleh view more
here. Amazing aite?? Tu i baru tgk dari luar je...klu masuk dalam tgk interior die lagi pengsan kott...
Musee de Louvre |
So, since it getting dark, dan mama n makcik pon da penat, we move to the outskirts back to our place. tapi along the way tu we did stop at The Arch at Palace Charles de Guille. Brenti tepi jalan dan along turun amek gamba sunset di tengah2 Arc tu...ramai professional photog ngn camera canggih2 amek gamba kat situ..oh, kalau kat London org bershopping di Oxford Street, kat Paris org bershopping kat Palace Charles de Guille nie la..ha,kat sini la is where the main Louis Vuitton store is located. 3 or 4 storey height, skali ngn head office die skali kot..i x masuk ponn..tengok org beratur nak masuk je dari luar...x berkesempatan..tu la yg buat i nak g lagik nih..heheh..insyaAllah klu ade rezki..
The Arch @ Palace Charles de Guille |
After that, we just went back straight home and dats it..end of day 2 in Paris..
Wahhhh....xlarat dahh..kite sambung next entri laahh..i nak buat persiapan pegi berkelah di Kemensah plak nieh ngn colleague and ex-colleague..ha...heharap korang x lame la tunggu entri tu nanti cam entri kali nie..huhuhuh
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