Wahhhh..i cant believe i havent finish writing about this trip..it was like five months ago..hahah..so teruk...jadi maafkan saye...for those who have boring wif these stories..u can skip this part..but keep reading the rest of the entries ya..
ok..where were we...still on 14th May 2011.. my 7th day of the trip...ok, in my last part i did mentioned that we're going up on a cruise..yeah...we were! its P&O Ferry Cruise which took us from Rotterdam in Netherland to Hull in United Kingdom.. The journey took overnight so the cruise includes two cabins that fits whole family..
route from Rotterdam to Hull |
part of the ferry yang sempat di capture.. |
The ferry is gigantic..there are shops, cinema, playground, restaurant, cafes, bars, lounge, arcade games, casinos, children playground and etc. Plenty of activity and shows been offered to the passengers.
we rented 2 types of cabins, 1 is family type cabin and another 1 is standard cabin..me n along's family fit in 1 cabin while mama n makcik in the standard cabin. Family cabin is bigger than the standard one and can fit at least 5 family members. We have tv in the room which standard cabin have not.
First thing we did after the check in is having our super duper late lunch. Lapor gile time tu..habes licin sume bekal nasik dan lauk yang kitorg bawak dari Eurocamp di Wassenar.. plus..last time we eat a decent meals is our breakfast back then in Wassenar lotsa hours before..mau x lapar sumenye...cam piranha dah gayenye ngabehkan nasik..
After had our meals, its time to stroll around the cruise..first of all is of coz shoppinggg!!!..I did mentioned in my last entry that the price of designers items like handbags, sunshades, makeups, healthcare products and perfumes in the ferry are comparatively lower than in the stores...so, for those who have an opportunity to hop on this cruise, dun forget to do ur shopping here...rugi gile x beli gucci by gucci perfume that i longed for thinking that i bought dkny delicious perfume in my last P&O trip from dover to calais..but anyhow..i dapat juge perfume gucci ni at last..bought my lil bro..thanks bro..u r the best! hahah...
aisya n anesa in the playground |
the cafe |
me and the shops..T_T |
Aisya n aneesa sibuk main kat playground..mama n makcik lepak kat cafe while me and along window shopping. i did buy some souvenirs from P&O ferry ni...its not everyday punye experience kan..so might as well get something to remember it...
We didnt do much in the ferry...yelah..xkan nak g berjudi pulak kan dalam kasino tu kan..so..lepas jalan2 dalam cruise tu..we straight headed to our cabin and had some rest..
me resting in the cabin |
The next day..on 15th May 2011..i woke up early with the hope that i can see the sun rise from the top most floor of the cruise..sayangnye its hard to spot any sun..i dunnoe whether because of the weather or we are in fact in the middle of the sea.
see...no sunrise.. |
Somehow, when i reached the deck, i can see that we were approaching the mainland of United Kingdom. The scenery is breathtaking and oddly romantic..xde pulak mat salleh2 sorg2 nek atas tu yg boleh ditumpangi kasih sayang..haha..byk couple2 yg menikmati suasana pagi yg romantik..but i didnt sit there long enough to watch any romantic drama there coz of the wind yang so strong and cold..wondering where did the couples get the heat to stay at the deck long enough..hehehhe...after taking some pictures..i pon blah masuk cabin balik untuk bersiap and packing barang...
lounge yang xder org...ye la...mane nak ade org..pagi bute kot.. |
lookout deck at top floor of ferry |
sejuk oo dok kat luar ni pepagi... |
Before off board..we had our breakfast at costa coffee..cost us round 3pound per breakfast..sile jangan convert..nangess!..
breakfast @costa coffee |
We reached Hull at around 8 o'clock in the morning...we had to go through the customs and everything before we continue the journey back to my sis's place in Leeds...the journey took about 1 and half hour..we finally arrived at my sis's home at around 10 o'clock and since the rented car need to be back to its owner by 2pm, we just unload all the stuff and headed back to Leeds town for lunch and jalan2..sbb kate along, kete die kecik dan x muat nak angkot the whole family..so since ade kete besar ni..baik bawak sume jalan2, lunch and shop for groceries first before pulangkan kete...
Ok..actually the euro trip tour ends when i reached my sis's home in leeds. I stayed the rest on my trip at my sis's home but we did went to several places mainly for shopping. But that one i akan cerita dalam my final entry of this whole Euro trip eh..
So..stay tuned for my last entry nnti..oh, btw, lupe nak cerita..the whole cruise thing took us the whole family about RM1700...