Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Iftar @ Cruise Tasik Putrajaya

I know...i know..we passed the ramadhan season and we are reaching the end of Syawal already (how fast time flies! Duhhh! <--ok, x baik mengeluh...)..

But, this is a flashback entry where we almost-whole-department went for iftar @ Cruise Tasik Putrajaya..thanks to the master of sponsorship Azuan n his team for the memorable iftar session...

Its a blessed experience coz..I DAH NAIK CRUISE TASIK PUTRAJAYA!!!!....once in almost 3 years working in Putrajaya ok..

Jadi layan gambar je lahh..

The main entrance of Cruise @ Tasik Putrajaya

the cruise

@ the waiting area...berbuka with Kurma n Fruits and the cruise began at 8, after maghrib prayers

me @waiting room

shikin, yulia, kak shima, zira n en nordin

me and the cruise..cant see the captain lahh!

us the almost-whole department

azuan n wifey

ikbal and wifey..

...the Foods....variety but the taste is ok lorhh..

the girlss..
 and we were at the roof of the cruise..luckily hari x hujan..


PICC at night

cable bridge..kejap wane biruuu...

...kejap warne warni...

shikin, ikbal's wife, yulia n kak suzana

masjid besi

me n masjid besi at night

masjid putra

teh tarik session after lepak di roof


  1. Jimah...

    memang terbaeek kan... bila nak repeat?

  2. kak olin..

    mmg terbaekk..huhuh...ni klu nak repeat..kene carik lembu jugak nie..ngeeee...
