At last!! i'm in my own bed..cleaned and fresh..smelling my ownself in my own room in my rented house in SK...its satisfaction to finally have your own time in your own comfort condition. I couldnt think of any other place that is more heavenly than this is...that is why its called "Home Sweet Home"..coz its sweet to be finally be at your own home..though it a rented one.. :)
Its not like i had a hectic weekend or so..its just that i missed by bed and my room so badly...barely get to linger on my bed the whole last weekdays and my weekend which was spent at Rembau (my hometown) making me feel grateful to be at last be in my room (which, i may failed to tell u that i had spent lotsa money to redecorate my room after the "heartbreak moments")...
Plus..its a tiring day today since its "Open House Anak Dara BLT" which i mentioned in previous entry (i did, right?)...but it can be consider a success..there was lot of people coming for this small event...most of all, my very best BFFs, Fae, Liza n Yan have took the trouble to come all the way from shah alam/putra height to putrajaya for my cooking....
Cooking? yeahhh..i do cook ok..and it has made my day (despite of the tiring) to hear people praised at my cooking..bukan nak berlagak ke ape, ok..but its for the satisfaction when u did put some effort to do the cooking, and people eat and praise u for that..well, im sure this applies to all outstanding chefs out there..Mommies? isnt it so? haha...u'll feel high right?
Xdelah masak ape pon...but my fren did puji my soto and best of all my oreo cheese cake..hehe..siap ade org soh buat jual lagi and some thought that i bought it from secret it that good?! (hahah...ok ni angkat bakul sendiri! but to hell with that..haha)..hilang trus penat i tau!...
The rest of the dishes, cooked by me co-host, Salmah, are rendang, nasi minyak with ayam masak merah and paceri nenas (my fav), and laksa...yep! she did all this by herself and she's a damn good cook..sangat cekap ok..sape yang nak bini pandai masak, die ni la i recommend..still single ok..hahah...
Despite of me who has to lari sane lari sini go and through from Salmah's house to my office (due to my workload is super high on this particular Monday coz of VOC and preparation to my boss for Management Meeting), i called today is a success...Tiring but Succeeded!
Oh, forgot to snap any pics during the event lar...sebuk melayan, entry tanpa gamba ok kan?
But we did Hari Raya Potluck in my department which was occurred last Friday..there's plenty of food and the best-est of all is Sambal Tahun by Azuan (his wife's cooked it ye)..Sangat happening with cute backdrop with lampu2 bagai..
So, here's some of the pics..
En Nordin yang sebuk ngah siapkan backdrop dan hias kawasan |
gotong-royong hias kawasan |
Encik Azuan - penyumbang makanan terhebat potluck - Sambal Tahun (pic makanan lupe nak snap) |
the foods |
En Nordin n Azuan with the foods n decoration |
listening to lil speech |
me and anne |
us all praying for the success of the department |
"Allahuma bariklana fima razaktana wakina 'aza bannar.." |
The Edan of the IT Department |
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org yg telah mematahkan kerusi saye..cait! |
cleaning uppp!!! |
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