Salam to all...
I knoww...i knoww..theres a biggggg gap in between part 4 n this part..bukan i said..theres so much thing to do in 24 hours..well..xkan nak update blog time keje kan (which is kekadang i buat juge...but time rehat saje..) kang nampak x berhemah bulan pose plak..lagi cepat je rase mase berlalu....entri g kemensah pon x update lagi...
Plus...another reason is actually i spend most of my time reading Harry Potter : Half Blood Prince and Deathly Hallow..huhuhu...ok, i mengaku i ketinggalan len sume da bace buku tuh lme dah (my bro..buku die siap dah bertahi lalat bagai..haha)...tapi as u all noe, kan recently i ade bli those books from telah gigih membace nye laa..and...its really worth it..planning to start read Order of Phoenix or Goblet of Fire..but havent start sbb takut lekat..
Huh..enuff with the babbling...lets start with the journey...
12th May, this morning we all have to leave maisons laffitte and head up north to Brussels, Belgium...our main destiny is actually Holland, tapi we planned to stop by kat Brussels..alang2 da lalu kann...harus la stop kejap..
Pagi tu sempat kitorg masak2 untuk bekalan dalam journey yang panjang, we are ready to leave Paris as early as 9am...huh..perlu berjuang lagi dalam ruang yang sempit dalam kete..Perjalanan dari Paris ke Brussels mengambil mase kire2 3 and a half hours..but since we all just enjoying the trip and slowly drive, so the journey took more than that, coz as far as i remember, we only reached brussels at around 2 pm.
The first place we stop in Brussels is their mosque to have our prayers... The mosque is quite unique as it most likely a Muslim Centre. Klu ikut kate mama, org yang jage tempat tu pon org Melayu, datang dari Indon rase...da lame keje situ..tempat die best..tenang jee...dan kat sebelah die ade park, si aisya ape lagii...nampak taman permainan je...terus terjah laa.....segale ride pon die nak cube eventho masih x seswai ngn umo die...but shes cute though..siap soh i amekkan gambo die dan die pose lagi sambil men gelongsor ngn boyan kat situ..
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Aisya yang bergembira main di park bersebelahan Muslim Centre, Brussels.. |
Then after that, we headed to the iconic of Belgium or Brussels itself..iaitu The is actually a gigantic steel structures in a replica of few atoms that connects with one another...klu korang nak gambaran lebih jelas ape bende Atomium nie, boleh review kat web nie..its actually quite a historical, no fee need to be paid by us since we did not intend utk masuk dan tgk exhibition nye..but this structure does offer one hell of a view for lagi..mari memposing beramai2 di hadapan atomium ini...well, when u look it in front of eyes u'll see the magical of this structure, shows how far actually the human mind can melayan view di sini..
posing di depan Atomium |
We had our lunch betol2 depan Atomium nie..selambe je bentang tikor depan park die dan duduk makan bekalan nasi dan lauk yang kitorg masak mase kat Paris pagi tu...huhuhuh..belasah je laaa...Kite kan tourist...skati le nak wat ape pon kan..janji x kasi kotor negara org...yg penting selambe bersile atas tanah sambil makan ala2 picnic gitu...janji perut kenyang senang hati..hahah
aisya sempat g tuka pampers depan atomium..selambe roocckkk...x masuk toilet dahh.. |
Gift shop @ Atomium |
Dekat2 dengan kawasan The Atomium nie, ade another attraction place kat Brussels nie yang wajib pegi...iaitu Mini Europe..unfortunately for the time we reach the area, Mini Europe ni dah pon tutup..coz they close their park quite early as sempat nak masuk..actually tempat ni pon menarik sbb die cam satu kawasan yang ade miniature (of actual scale) of all iconic buildings/structures around, macam u all melawat europe all in once..huhuhu..sgt menarik tapi tu la sayang..kitorg xsempat nak, kitorg cume sempat bergambar kat Village die je..
Mini Europe Village ni pon menarik jugak..ade la restaurants dan kawasan permainan kanak2..tapi dah lewat kan...mase kitorg sampai sini pon dah closing dah sume restaurant...tu lah..cepat sangat mase berlalu...kitorg sempat bergambar2 je di kawasan Village nie..
gambaran sajer... |
Ok, cite sket pasal town Brussels nie...the buildings, mmg good as paris..but the difference is, die kurang tersusun dan facade die adelah berlainan antara satu pintu dengan pintu yang laen..driving in brussels mmg mencabar...mencabar yang amat..bersimpang siur jalannye dan org kat sini pon kurang berhemah sket..tapi..naseb baik kitorg ade driver yg, heres some pictures around the city...
So, then, we all continue our journey to Holland plak..which, kite cerite di next entri plak ek?..till then, peace yaw!
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa beshnya!!!!!
ReplyDeletebilala akak dapat g sana niiii.
jimah akak link tau blog ko :)
ekekekek..sila2 kakak yat...i dah link ngn blog u lame u can glamer...
ReplyDeleteala kakkk...kite kumpul wang since keje BLT nie tu yg dapat g sane tu..huhuhuh...xper2 ader rezeki insyaAllah....ninina besau sket..beh je bawak die jalan sane..comey je ti die pakai baju sejuk tebal2 lari kedek2..huhuhuhuh..