Wednesday, 22 February 2012
A Very Happy Birthday to....ME....yes, ME!
Alhamdulillah..hari ni genap aku telah bernafas ni muka bumi nie selama 'tut tut' tahun (oh, semakin tua adelah tidak membanggakan, jadi x perlu disebut!)...aku sangat bersyukur sbb diberi peluang yang macam2 sehingga aku rase kehiduapan aku yang 'tut tut' tahun nie penuh ngan warna-warni...aku jumpe pelbagai jenis org, pegi bermacam jenis tempat yang mengajar aku banyak pengalaman hidup..
But, as i said before, in this blog on one of my entry, growing old is mandatory but growing up is, i hope that my brain, my emotion, my maturity grows hand in hand with my age. Each day offers us with new challenges, excitements and experiences. It just how we sees it.
Lately, takde mase nak update blog..sibukkan hape tah..tapi tulahh..ade je yg menghalang tika aku in da mood untuk meluahkan rase hati yang lara ini...
As i mentioned before, my life's turning to a different direction. That is so as i have started my duty in new company. So i am now struggling to fit in with the new environment, new co-workers, new style, new project, new scope of work..everything is alien to me here...ok, tipu..not everything...i know few people fact,i knew my boss and my teammates. We'd been work together before..which means, fitting in with new people around is not the greatest challenge here...
Apart of the needs of waking up early (like, super early) in the morning to go to work, which involving driving to the nearest LRT station and huddling in tiny Monorails, i am more worried about fitting myself in and mixing up with the corporate world. Even though this is not the first time (as my previous co. is a corporate co. as well), but this is like more sophisticated corporate company which require you to wear proper attire and shows the nice professional attitude, which i think what i lacked most.
You know sometimes people can think professionally, act professionally but they are not appear professionally in physical. They just wear the wrong blouse, or the wrong trousers, or the wrong bag or shoes..they seems like not so professional physically. They simply dont have the professional look in them.. and i think i am 'that' people. Haih! Jadi perlu mitigation plan..grooming!
In the meantime, harung je lah...keje dah start menimbun walaupon my laptop belum ready...meeting has been set up..series of discussion will start very i guess, that'll leave me with little time to update the blog..but i'll try my best. good luck to me!
p.s: sebenanye ade banyak lagi nak diceritakan...tapi xder mase..perlu tido awal supaya esok bleh bgn awal...apepun, thanks to those who wish my healthy and blessing u all...
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
A Chapter of Life Closing..
Yes..tomorrow would be my last day working in my current company...sedih nak tinggalkan semua kenangan yang dah dilakarkan di sini..baik manis, pahit, masam, kelat, sedap, x sedap...kesedihan meninggalkan kawan2 yang paling utama skali...i am blessed to have the opportunity to know everyone in the company..every single one...both, who are still in the company and those who have left...every single one has affected my life, directly and indirectly..
i am blessed to have good bosses who taught me so much about work and value of life...who taught me how to survive in the real construction world in a whole...who has gave me the opportunity to pursue my self..who shines my ability...who kindly shares their experiences..who reminds me professionally of my mishaps..who belanje me a lot..those good bosses that i learned so much from...
i am blessed to have wonderful friends...who laugh a lot..who shares lunches and dinners.. who shares stories..who i played badminton with..who i jog and go to gym together with..who let me be me and openly accept me as i am...who never turn their back on me..who forgives me of my mistakes...
i am blessed to have wonderful teams, colleagues and co-workers...either from the company, or even outsiders (consultants and contractors)..they really gives me good experiences work wise..
i do learned a lot here...i have been blessed to be given such opportunities which, i would not forget for the rest of my life...
It is sad to leave everything really is...
But, the time have come for me to close this chapter and open another one...the future chapter that i do not know the colours..but i have to open it anyway..because that is how the life goes...
Now i'm having the mixed feeling..excited but anxious to open the new chapter yet sad to close the present one...Tapi kate orang, kalau nak survive dalam hidup..kene la harung ape yang ade depan the choice has been made and now i have to be ready to face the consequences of it..
To those in my current company...thanks for everything..halalkan makan minum dan ilmu yang telah dicurahkan.. i believe we have such a small world and surely we will meet again someday...i hope every mistakes made has been forgiven and forgotten..i hope that i will never forget the great three years i had here..
It's time for me to turn my life to a different prepare myself to meet the new challenges meet new boss, meet new colleagues, meet new future friends (which i hope there are)...
So, good luck boss, friends, team mates, colleagues...hope everyone have good years ahead...let this relationship benefited us...insyaAllah...
Thursday, 9 February 2012
how do you like ur french toast?
Yes do u like ur french toast??
french toast sedap dimakan dengan ape saje...u can have it either sweet or savoury...both tastes good, i believe...u can either eat it with honey or ketchup..u can eat it with curry or plain soup...or u can sandwich it with cheese...all those things to give additional taste to the make it taste much more better...the taste surely varies depending on the additives u put in..
Without those thing a french toast will be a boring normal french toast....
Just like ur life..
Without friends, families, acquantances, partners, flings, secret admirers, stalkers, enemies, etc...ur life wud be a plain boring life...
And now, throw ur arrogance and go out and meet people...u'll found how uniquely amazing they much u can learn from them..
And give urself a room to meet the wrong ones..u might learn much more from them...
...a soft reminder to me from myself...
Friday, 3 February 2012
morning call
I dont know whats got me in this particular morning...
Maybe it's because pretty bad dream i had last night..or just something bothers me...i cant figure it out any way..
Despite of my bad attitude of waking up late which resulted to late coming for works, surprisingly this morning, i woke up super early (6.15am is super early for me though), had my early morning bath, had my hair dried, wear casual working suit and found my self here....
Yes, i am having a so so coffee to start my day...wish it was something better..oh..rindu good coffee like what i had in a cruise from dover, uk to calais, france through the shortest english channel once..
A hot coffee and a ciggarate (ok, thats exaggeration) in a cold chilly weather...what more can i asked..Yes, i am grateful to have those experience to reminisce..and i am very greatful to be still given a chance to breath in the one of the greatest God's creation, the universe...
Thursday, 2 February 2012
damn annoying!!! (part 2)
Ok, ni tahap x tahan sampai kene update kan fon...
Annoy pade sesetengah pasangan yg control his/her partner like hell..when i said hell, i mean mmg neraka jahannam peringkat pertama tuh...
Ok, aku paham yg korang mmg sayang gila nak mampus ngn bf/gf korang kan....tapi kamon...he's ur bf/gf...not even ur husband/wife right ko tadek hak nak lagi nk menyekat kebebasan die....especially hak utk berkawan..xkira la dgn kaum sejenis atau pun x?
Who are you to judge whether that friend is good or bad to ur partner. I guess the only way is to make urself around ur partner's circle of friend..get to know them..dan segala curiga atau pikiran yg bukan2 tu kompem hilang...
Yes, ive got lotsa fren dan antaranya mmg sumeone's bf/gf...dan we do lepak kedai mamak..hang out at some times...xslalu, sbb tu kalau skali lepak, mmg lme...nk catch up stories yg lame tertunggak..
Tapi kalau lepak once in a blue moon pon ko dah marah2 dan majuk2 ngn bf/gf ko..apekehal...x ilangnye bf/gf ko tuhh...xde sape nak amek aihh...
If he/she is really in love wif you...datanglah bidadara/i kayangan pon...u will always his/hers..sikap kau yng kaki control tu hanye akan buat ur partner lemas which someday make him/her fly away..yes peeps..this apply to all the rule relationship..not the exception one..
Singpore City ~ Part 2
Oh, baru sampai di Queenstown rupenye cerite aku..jauh lagi perjalanan..banyak lagi activity yang dibuat yg pelu diceritakan...oohhhh...*gigih..gigih..
Ok. we're still in 26th November 2011, arrived in Queenstown at about 5pm. After 5 mins walking to Bugis MRT Station, we were facing some difficulties to understand the MRT systems and route..but, no worries, once u mastered the system, MRT would be your best option to maneuver around the city...and believe me, it'll take little time for you to understand it..maybe few minutes plus communication skill to ask around if you are super genius..
but since we dun have that much communication skill..but still, genius *tangan kat bahu mata ke atas* we end up mingle around the station wondering. which brought us sesat di Bugis Junction. Bagus juge coz later on, we dun even have the time to step foot in here again. Bugis Junction is a shopping mall, where the Bugis Station located just below it. How cool it is, all u have to do just go up on escalator, and naahhh....u r in a shopping mall with lots of ppl and shops. I found it amazing, anyway...
Christmas deco was up one month before the celebration |
water fountain @ Bugis Junction |
We walked in circle and back to the MRT Station. The initial plan is just to buy 3-day Pass for MRT which will cost us about SGD24, but instead, we found it was not worth it, since we were already there late in the evening, plus our plan for 2nd day is Sentosa Island, where the pass is not needed. But there's always option for only 1 day pass for SGD8 or 2 day pass for SGD16. So, we decided to just buy the standard ticket, which the fare is varies at different station. Tips: you'll always need to pay extra SGD1 for the ticket deposit which u can collect back at your destination via the ticket machine. Jadi naik MRT akan membuat anda penuh syiling SGD1..haha...penuh poket...
Since we hadn't make any hotel kes nak main redah je dengan hati penuh harapan dapat hotel yang decent dan murah..we had to act fast and look for hotel room. Eventhough we decided untuk main redah jer..tapi we did decide to stay around chinatown since, as referring to travelogues, Chinatown is the most convenient budgeted area, where you can get budgeted hotel room with MRT station in walking distance and at the heart of SG where every attraction place is just nearby (less cost for train fares) . Just what we need for the stay. Unfortunate for us, the "budgeted" hotel room is beyond our budget. Haha. Caution peeps: if you decide to spent the night in SG, do allocate extra budget for hotel room. If you are not willing to spend more in accommodation, better stays in JB and go back and forth to SG, and i tell you, cost for staying in hotel in SG may be equal to your stay in JB + travelling cost, make your choice. You also got other option where you may cut some cost for accommodation in SG if u're willing to stay in dormitory room in backpackers hotel. One of the famous budget hotel in SG is Hotel 81, and they have it at most attraction places. But do ready to spend SGD100-300 per night. Yes, if u convert to RM, u'll get at least 4 star hotel in JB...'__'
After walking more than 2 km in search for the hotel room *rase nak tercabut kaki*...we ended up in a super budget hotel, which cost us SGD90 per night. But it is SUPER BUDGET. The hotel have attached shower but no attached bathroom. Bunyik pelikkan...? least if in dormitory we know we gonna have shared bathroom & shower. But this hotel, and i think similar to other super budget hotel room, it is like a room with a queen bed with a box of shower attached. We called it hotel 'kongkek'..haha..enough said.
Since rase x larat nak dok hotel tu for 2 nights, we decided to switch to a more decent hotel the next day, which of course costs us more. We'll get there in the next entry...
So, after had a 'great' shower experience in the, i would like to call it shower box in the bedroom, we decided to not waste any precious time. So, that night, after a brief walk around Chinatown, we straight away headed to the our first attraction place, The Esplanade. From Chinatown MRT Station, we traveled to City Hall Station via Outram Park Station, where we need to switch the train. Tips: Please wear your flats or snickers when traveling in SG. You won't need your heels at all because you gonna do your walking cardio all the time. The definition of near the Singaporean is walking for 1km. So, imagine yourself. You'll do lots and lots of walking in SG.
night view of Chinatown |
From City Hall Station, we walked again to the Espalanade Theater on the Bay to have a good view of the famous Marina Bay Sand Hotel on our north side, Singapore City on our east side and Singapore Flyer on our west side. Lepak kejap situ sambil berangan dan tgk view yang cantik dan cam whoring. So, mari layan gambar hasil percubaan mengambil gambar yang cantik menggunakan compact camera yang tak berapa nak canggih ditambah pule tak reti nak manual setting kasik cantik..rase loser gila pasal org2 yang lepak amek gambo situ gune DSLR camera dengan lense canggih 88inci..heh..
Christmas deco @Esplanade Theater |
inside the deco..ko hado? hehehe... |
The theater |
inside the theater |
Marina Bay Sands Hotel...ohhhh..hanya boleh berangan...nk dok situ x mampu.. |
Night view of Singapore..cantek punye location Maybank |
After penat meluahkan skill mengambil gambo gune camera x berapa canggih di Esplanade Theater On Bay..we decided to walk to another attraction place, which is The Merlion..bile tgk dari esplanade tu macam x jauh..tapi..benonye jauh juge kene berjalan.
So, we walked along the side of Esplanade Drive to The Merlion. The view of The Merlion during night time is so much better.
basah akibat disiram Merlion (padahal lenjun peluh akibat berjalan kaki) |
percubaan melakukan aksi tidak senonoh dengan Merlion |
On the way to Merlion tu sempat juge meng-capture ini..
i loooiikeee..nggeeee..... |
Ice cream with waffle..heaven ok.. |
@ Clarke Quay |
extreme activity offered @Clarke Quay |
open night club |
simplest open bar ever! hehe..ok, tipu..simplest open bar aku penah tgk.. |
We were then headed back to our room. But instead of taking train, we decided to have a night walk from Clarke Quay to Chinatown. It was a nice walk in the initial, but after few mins, i wasn't anymore..we were extremely tired since it was about more than 1 km walk from Clarke Quay to China Town. Glad that i did my cardio for the day anyway..worth it since i lost 1kg during the trip..tapi lepas tu gain back berkilo2...sekian..
It was a night to remember..did lots of cardio that night alone. Let alone sleeping uncomfortably in chilly kongkek room with no selimut at all..pakai tuale je..haih..x tahan akuu..esoknye kompem tuka hotel..
Ok, next attraction place is definitely The Sentosa Island. We'll get there in the next entry ya...Soon, i hope..
p.s: Wahhhh...berjaya put up entry in one night! hehe..nice!
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Something im not proud of..
Entahle what's got into me...aku malas gile nak update kate menulis adelah kerane, ppl yg suke buat sesuatu tu will always make time for it..aku minat jugak..tapi always xde time for it..maknenye x bape nak minat lah eh?? err..entahh...
Mane tah hilang mood ni..i expect sbb aku kurang membaca skang..not just x update blog..bace blog pon kurang..dari situ la hilangnye mood nak berblog..padahal blogging can be a good theraphy..depends on how u potray it la...
Sebenanye ade bende yang berlaku kebelakangan ni yang boleh aku blog kan...tapi..untuk aku duduk depan laptop, put my hands on these keypad, adelah sangat malas...but everything's in my head..kan best klu ade satu device yang boleh translate-kan ape yang ade dalam pale otak ni into words..i wud be the most happiest person in da whole world...ok, gila malas..tapi aku suke bace balik entri sndiri bcoz there'll be one sort of feeling of excitement plus overjoyed plus sadness plus relief yang datang menyelinkar di lubuk hatiku setiap kali membaca dop kengkawan? ke aku sorg rase gitu..nampak sangat aku sangat self centred..haha..pedulik!
Actually there are so much of awesome thing happened in my life recently..kalau la ade device yang aku cakap tadi...boleh jadi die jammed sbb ade banyak sangat mende yang boleh diceritakan. Jadi, aku hutang banyak entri sebenarnye nih..(peh, siap jadi hutang bagai...kire dah macam ade tanggungjawab terhadap blog sendiri dah..*mcm bela anak)...entri travel is inclusive..note that i only at half day of my Singapore trip yang dah berlaku months queue, bercuti bersama besties di kala menjelang tahun baru dan juga pengalaman pertama ku bergembira di atas kelong bersama rakan taulan...tu belum masuk entri pasal my life, which, i expect gonna turn to 180 degree soon. Haihs..banyak tu...
But everytime aku nak update blog, mood menulis tu x datang2...macam ade syaitonirrajim yang berbisik di telinge..tayah la update blog, penat jari tu nanti...heh...end up, aku bukak D: drive, bukak series yang aku da donlot dan tonton hingga lebam..maka tertunggak lah entri yang aku dah niat nak buat..niat suci murni tu ade....xbuat je...pemalas ya amat...
Ok lah, aku try halau jauh2 syaitonirrajim sume syaiton2 yg same yg hasut aku makan banyak sehingga naik beberapa kilo yang banyak yang tidak membanggakan langsung..heh...tableh2..i have to do something dengan syaiton2 ni sume..!! mesti!!
p.s:/ ini adalah antara entri terpantas saye....cume 2 lagu kat red fm je yang diperlukan utk menyiapkan entri ni....oh..tiga, termasuk meng-cut & paste entri ni sbb aku hampir2 nak terupdate entri ni kat blog jual barang aku...see, how teruk i am now! not proud..not proud...