Sambung update trip GC..fuh..fuh..fuh...
Ok, now we are on my 5th day of the trip, or the last day in GC. Setelah ape yang berlaku the day before (yang mane korang leh bace kat
sini..) aku dan fae meneruskan aktiviti trip kami mengikut ape yang telah dirancang malam tadi ketika mandi di heated pool apartment sewaan kami.
Jadi, aktiviti kami ari ni dimulakan seawal 8 pagi..gile awal bangun pagi ni..kol 7.30 pg dah siap2 keluar dari apartment sbb kitorg decide untuk jalan slow2 sambil strolling along the park depan apartment kami. Park ni mengadap laut dan adelah sepanjang Marine Parade Road. Setelah meng-google map, baru aku tau name park ni adelah Leonrd Fox Park. Seronok jalan pagi2 time matahari belum panas betul lagi. Ramai mat salleh yang jogging or bawak pet diorg berjalan pagi-pagi kat sini. That is one of best in their culture, which, they always make the morning jog before working hour started as a routine. How i wish i can do that..actually, boleh jer nak buat..cume bontot je berat nak bangun dari katil, sarung kasut pegi jog keliling apartment aku ni ha..x gitu? heh...
Since it was still early in the morning, we walked at our own paced while enjoying the scenery of the beach. Sedar x sedar kitrorg dah jalan about lebih 700m dari our apartment menuju ke Harley Park. Kat Harley Park ni terdapat beberapa camp site yang mane visitor boleh park their caravan dan camping. Ade disediakan kemudahan bilik air dan lain-lain untuk org camping. Kalau petang2 ramai la datang untuk lepak tepi pantai sambil buat aktiviti seperti volleyball or frisbee game.
view of surfers paradise town, the heart of GC, from the park in front of our apartment |
the beach |
Leonrd Fox Park |
the morning walk |
beach in front of Harley Park |
Harley Park |
So, dari Harley Park ni, we crossed the road untuk tunggu bas ke Harbour Town. We wanted to do our last minute shopping since fae still got few stuffs she wanted to buy for friends and family. The bus ride tu x lame pon, just 5 minutes, but since we were crossing the bus zone, maka still kene bayar. Remember dalam entry lepas i did mentioned that we bought our free pass bus ride? Unfortunately, we forgot to take our pass from Liza and Yan who was then in Canberra, so, the journey today was paid by cash. Sayang..sayang..membazir pass aku untuk satu hari. Haish!
We arrived at Harbour Town at 8.50am, just in time for the shops to open at 9am. We did our 3 hours shopping and had our lunch at KofteBurgers in Harbour Town. This fast food is Halal and owned by Arabian.
Ok jugak la makan sini, bolehlah kalau nak merasa daging burger australia. Macam biasa, i chose my fav, lamb burger with chips and drinks. We were having our lunch in rush, since we had to catch the 12.30pm bus to Helensvale train station where we take another bus to Movie World.
Lamb burger @Kofteburgers |
barang yang sempat dibeli hasil last minute shoping di Harbour Town. FYI, top from Ralph Lauren tu i xpenah pakai lagi. Sayang nak pakai. Sekian. Hehe. |
Its not easy walking with shopping stuff in hand. But we manage to rearrange all the shopping bags at the station while waiting for the next bus. Plus, it was quite hustling time since we were trying to buy plane ticket for Liza and Yan. Oh, story bout that. Let me rewind a bit. Since Liza has lost her passport, both Liza n Yan had to traveled down to Canberra for new temporary traveling document from Malaysian Consulate. Due to that, they decided to extend their stay in GC. That is why both me and fae need to help them buying new plane tickets since fae got the proper Visa Maybank Debit Card. Tips : Yes people, you have to have a Visa or at least MasterCard Debit Card or Credit Card when traveling abroad. Easier option for cash money when you are facing with emergency situation like this. And please make sure you have sufficient amount of credit in the card for emergency purposes. It is better to have it from a widely used banks i.e Maybank or Citibank since they were most acceptable in many countries. They were very handy for situation like this.
We reached Movie World at 1.15pm, but since there were slight problem while purchasing online plane ticket (We faced the difficulty to find an internet hub as buying plane ticket using mobile apps was close to impossible when there were no WiFi and 3G reception was not so good in the theme park), we only manage to appreciate the theme park at 2.45. So, left us only about less than one hour to stroll around the park before the parade started at 3.30pm.
Plan asalnye kitorg nak the Paradise Country untuk bermesra dengan kangaroo dan koala bear. Tapi mase sangat x mengizinkan. Jadi, we have to sacrifice this one. I was devastated. Sebab this is one of the place that i really wish to visit since from the day we started to plan the itinerary. Meeting these animals either in Currumbin Wildlife Park or Paradise Country is my biggest desire in this trip. But i didnt fulfill any of them. Itulah punca aku tak puas dengan GC trip kali ni. Tapi bak kata orang, no trip is a perfect trip. Mesti ade slack here and there. Mesti ade something that doesnt turned out the way we planned. Mesti ade something out of the planned itenerary. Takpe kite kene redha dan bersyukur. Sekurang-kurangnya ade juga rezeki aku jejak di bumi GC dan segala ape yang berlaku dalam trip ni adelah satu pengalaman dan adventure yang tak akan boleh lupe sampai bila-bila. InsyaAllah. *mode insap..air mata bergenang di kelopak*..oh...harus plan trip ke either Sydney or Melbourne pule! Sape nak hekot??? Haha
Ape pon...mari layan gamba di sekitar Movie World by Warner Brothers, Gold Coast, Australia.
the main street |
long queue for cinema show |
big screen @ the main street |
WB studio |
China town |
Harry Potter shop |
the Superman escape ride |
The parade...
Bugs bunny |
Tom the pussy cat |
tweety bird, my fav childhood character. Dulu mase Form 1 aku ade beg tweety wane maroon. Sayang gile kat beg tu. Pakai smpai da bertaik lalat |
Scooby Doo and the gang |
Joker |
ni aku da lupe character ape..haha |
Cat woman |
Justice League Gang |
Fae dan kereta idamannye..kete batman..kete je tinggal, batman nye tah ke mane |
Ok, meh nak cite sket beza antara 2 theme park yang aku dah pegi, satu, Movie World ni dan satu lagi Disneyland di Paris. There are huge different between them. Disneyland adelah saaangat besar. Its been developed in acres of land. Tahap jalan satu hari tak cukup. Kurang-kurang kene jalan 2, 3 hari baru leh cover semua parks. Structure kat dalam Disneyland lebih menarik, maybe Disney dah pon established beratus tahun dan bile masuk Disneyland memang korang rase korang in the character because of the environment in the park itself. Dengan replica bangunan nye yang memang macam dalam cartoon, dengan landscape nye yang sangat cantik. It's like you are living in the disney centuries. It's like a dream world inside there. Everything in the cartoon been duplicated in the real life size within the whole park.That's why its been called Disney Land, which consist of Disney Park, Disney Studio and Disney Village. More of it in
Movie World, on the other hand, is more to theme park. The park is comparatively small and the structures is not as in the character like what in the Disney Park. There are extreme rides and Studios as well. But the attraction is quite good. I would say Movie World is just like Disney Studio as its portrays characters in movies as well. Macam Disneyland, Disney Park focuses on cartoons, and Disney Studio focuses on characters in movies. But surely, Movie World tidak menghampakan. It is a must visit place if you are in GC.
pop corn dan strawberry smoothies yang tak bape nak sedap. Sile rujuk muke fae untuk mengetahui tahap ketidak sedapannye itu |
spot wajib amek gamba |
the front |
Jadi setelah selesai berjalan di Movie World kira-kira jam 5.00ptg, kami tunggu bas balik ke town and since the sun has not set yet, we decided to drop off for the last time at Surfers Paradise. Plus, Fae wanted to drop by at Hard Rock Shop again. It's a good decision by the way. Glad we did that. At least we've got the chance to stroll at Surfer's Paradise Beach during daylight. Hadn't got the chance so far.
So, after bought some stuff at Hard Rock Shop, we walked towards the beach and had a long walk and talk and cam-whoring along the beach. We were then decided to have our dinner at a Fish & Chips restaurant by the beach. But it was surely not as good as what we had in Brisbane. But still, offers some thing to remember.
At Hard Rock Shop
The walking and talking along the Surfer's Paradise Beach
the diner
Oh ye..added story..mase jalan2 kat beach surfer's paradise ni..kitorg selambe je tinggalkan barang2 shopingan kitorang kat tepi dinding walkway yang dibina. Takde satu patah haram manusia pon yang nak amek kat sini. Ade tu siap tinggal stroller tepi siap ngn beg2 dan handbag nye skali. Betape selamatnye barang2 anda. Kalau kat malaysia, tah, malas la nak cakap. Eh, bukan niat aku nak buruk negara sendiri, tapi just nak mention berbezaan culture. Remember, we are still developing. Bukan macam diorg yang dah developed dari segala segi. So, kite masih ade ruang nak baiki.
OK, before we reached the bus stop, we manage to empty the purse with AUD buying some stuffs at one of the beach shop at Surfer's Paradise. Got myself a Mooloola shoes and sling bag. A treat to the broken heart. Haha. Alasan!
On the way back to our apartment, bumped into Liza n Yan at the Australia Fair's bus stop and at last the four of us were back together again. Cewah..bunyik macam ending love strory jek. Sempat gak aku bli kebab dekat salah satu kedai di Australia Fair for supper. Peh, byk btol makan ari ni.
Malam tu..not much to do. We were packing for departure tomorrow and share stories pasal journey Liza and Yan ke Canberra. Since both of them were extending their stay, only me and fae will go back tomorrow. That is why Liza n Yan manage to go to Wet n Wild Theme Park and also Paradise Country (ok, ini sangat jeles tau!)
The next morning, is the last day we set foot in GC (for this trip!). The free shuttle coach took us to GC Airport. This free airport transfer is actually inclusive in the free pass that we bought earlier. Eh, jadi its not free lah..haha..Liza dan Yan hantar sampai pintu bas..dan kitorg berpisah di situ.
Nothing special during the journey home. Not so many people in the flight and we had the stretch of three empty seat for both of us. Tido dan borak je during the journey.
Sampai di airport, nobody waited for us. Huhu..sedey! Jadi aku dan fae take our ride masing-masing. Fae took bus from LCCT to KL Sentral while i took bus from LCCT to Salak Selatan KLIA Transit Station, then took the transit to Putrajaya Station and lastly took a cab home which the fare took me RM33. Cis, mahal nak mampus.
Jadi, begitulah endnye trip GC kali ni...
Warrgghhh...akhernya...ok, di part yang last mungken aku kan concludekan berape kos (approximately) yang terlibat sepanjang trip ni. Yang ni kene sit together ngan fae, liza dan yan untuk track down balik perbelanjaan di sane...aku cube buat sehabes baik ye...mane tau leh bantu trip korang plak nanti.
As for conclusion, 5 malam adalah tidak mencukupi untuk buat segala aktiviti di GC. Banyak lagi tempat tak sempat nak jejak. Maybe sebab too much of shopping apart of itinerary yang dah kacu bilau. Tapi takpe. We learned from mistake. There will always be another trip, but the experience and memories of me, fae, liza and yan being togehter in GC will stay with us forever and that is the thing that i cherish most.