Yep..AA promo is back! From 10 sen to their selected destination!
Prob has become not so awesome when you keep getting back to the waiting room...
What to everyone can fly..jadi kene berebutlah! Peh, bukan nak naik lrt je kene berebut..skang dalam alam maya pon kene berebut jugak...believe me..right now, at this moment, there are thousands of ppl are in front of their lappy/desktop/notebook/ipad/tab/mobile trying to get the 10 sen tix. Thousands and maybe more. Kalau la traffic ke web AA ni diwakilkan dengan objek, tentu dah macam Yak yang berlari berpusu2 nak selamatkan diri dari dibaham rimau *sile bayangkan sekumpulan kerbau sedag berjogging beramai2 di gurun sahara*
The most frustrated part is you cant even find the 10 sen tix on any of the suitable date. Mostly the date will be depart early of the week and arrive before weekend comes. Traveling date with over weekends is non-existence. Sigh!
And now i am giving up from trying. Korang berebutlah ye..I nak tido! Lagi pekdah! Sok kene bgn awal, nak packing barang sbb esok dah nak check out..(bye, bubble bath in the tub with hot water...T.T)
ps:/ Hari ni i pegi JPO lagi..tangkap satu spek itam.ok, skang purse mmg btol2 mengempes..hoh!
Aku pun x bukak malas nak berebut wehhh... Tunggu aku pakai unifi / IPTV lah laju sikit dari org lain
ReplyDeleteaku pun malas nak hadap....buat kantoi dgn senior jerk nanti..hahaha...kalau dah kantoi bonus tarak...trip pun tarak....cissss!!