Friday 23 December 2011

BFF is Best Friend Forever

Today is a very unproductive day for me. Lying on bed all day long, cause sleeping seems the only way for me to sooth the pain of menstruation. Aku jarang kene period pain yang teruk macam ni. I always have good cycle of menstruation. It do comes every month at the right time. But, i dont know what happened last month, my period didn't come although i had my PMS. I guessed maybe i gained weight (again?! not so surprise this time. Did lots of food intake for the past few months). So, this month, the bleeding is like a pile although i'm only in Day 2.

But, drop the case. I'm not going to talk about my menstruation in this entry. Sure all of you know exactly what it is. Wanita, sile tampar pipi anda laju-laju kalau xtau mende tu. Guys, besok ko dah berbini sure ko reti beli pad. Tak reti jugak, sile google. Tak reti jugak, bunuh diri! Heh.

Dalam entri kali ni aku nak cerita pasal BFF or Best Friend Forever. The word been BFF is widely use now. Kalau tengok status-status kat fb..mesti ade kuar "Oww, thank you darling Z, you're my BFF"..pastu besok, kuar status "celaka kau Z, ko rampas bofren aku, betina x guna!"..Haha..that's lame. Ni semua pengaruh Ms Hilton sampaikan org pon dah salah ertikan makna best friend sebenar. Aku tak tengok show tu pasal aku rase it's bull shit. Boleh ke ko carik best friend gune competition yang macam tu? Tak jujur langsung!

Tapi pada aku, BFF is something more meaningful. Mr. Wiki said that best friend is someone (SINGULAR) with whom one shares the STRONGEST POSSIBLE KIND of friendship. Yes, i am totally agree with that. The strongest possible kind, that's the word. A best friend is someone you will turn to when you are happy or sad or angry or annoy or excited or any other feeling we have in the whole wide world. Someone that you can simply be you as you in front of her. Someone you will never kept a secret from. Someone you will never stop supporting. Someone that you will not willing to hurt or back stab. Someone that will hear your story without even judging you. Someone who accept you for who you are. Someone who will always support you even when you are in the deepest shit. Someone that will bring you to goodness, will keep you going, will never turn her back on you. Someone who knows what you feel inside without even have to describe it out lout. Someone you can talk for hours with same lame stories and never get bored. Someone who will be happy for you without envious. Someone who will forgive your mistakes right away without any grudge. Best Friend is a lover but of a same gender as you, without the intimacy of course.

Tapi ramai antara kite dah salah ertikan maksud best friend  yang sebenar. Kadang-kadang orang ingat, kalau ko dah cerita your skeleton in the closet  to another person, ko da boleh anggap dia sebagai best friend ko. It's not. It is much more than that. Best friend not just lend an ear, she'll support you and she'll keep your story safe. She will be loyal to you. She will help you to think straight. Aku rase ramai antara kita yang telah buka pekung di dada pada orang yang salah. Dari situlah aku rase gossip timbul, sebab ramai yang tak jujur dengan kawan sendiri. Ramai yang sanggup jaja cerita kawan semata-mata nak cari perhatian. Many have been consumed by envious feeling until they dare to back stab their own friend. Jadi, silalah lebih berhati-hati kalau nak bercerita.

Pada aku, best friend is not necessarily have the same character as you, or have the same hobby, or same preference. Both of you can be a complete different type of person, can come in different backgrounds, different physical but understand each other more than anyone else including your parent (ok, ni aku exaggerate!) I mean, takdelah begitu berbeza, should have some similarity, kalau tak macam mane dia nak paham ko kan.

Kalau ikut maksud di atas, aku percaya tak ramai antara kita yang punya best friend. Kawan mungkin bersepah, tapi best friend, you have to think twice, or maybe hundred times. Only those who are lucky get a best friend. If so, i can consider myself lucky!

I am proudly say that i have you as my BFF. Been friends with her since high school, through our teenage life, went to college together and now we are a 27 year old adult. I tribute this entry for you as an appreciation for being my best friend. Oh, aku sangat terharu bile mane aku jadi jawapan ko untuk secutiry question like "who is your best friend?". Mesti ko pelik apesal aku tetibe mushy nih. Sebab aku sangat enjoy our conversation hingga 3 pagi semalam. Dan aku teringat mase kolej dulu kite berborak sampai jam 5 pagi lepas balik cuti semester. Those are my very productive quality time with you.

Aku mesti sedih bile salah sorang antara kite nak kawen nanti (walau pon hell tak tau bile). Tapi aku harap aku boleh jadi best friend ko dan ko boleh jadi best friend aku sampai kite tua nanti. Sekian!

p.s.: Terharu tak beb?! mari belanja aku fatty crab! haha...

1 comment:

  1. ouwwwwww. so schweeeett. ekeke. tu la, terharu la jgk. aku kn hati kering, maafkan daku. lalala. ape nk sedih plak, walaupon da kawen, kita still best fren juge. anytime pon kau bleh drop by my house. kau juga sila begitu ye! tpppp, borak sampai pagi tu x jamin. haha! fatty crab? oh tidak. lebiu!
